During the registration process, you will be asked to verify your phone number. This let's us know that it's a real phone number that you can access.
Once you enter your phone number for verification, you should receive a text message asking you to verify your number. If you entered your number correctly but still did not receive a text message and/or received the below error when trying to proceed to the next step, then your carrier may be blocking certain phone numbers. But don't worry, we can still help you get your number verified in our system so that you are able to proceed!
To manually verify your phone number:
Send a text message to this phone number: (623) 552 - 6140
The text message you send should say: ok
If your number was successfully verified* you will be able to hit Next on the Veyo sign-up page. If you are still unable to proceed after you have attempted to text the number listed above, please submit a help request here so that we can further assist you!
*You may not receive a response to your text, but you'll know it worked if you can click on the green "Next" button on the sign-up page.