Best Practices
Does going offline and back online help me get trips?
Going offline and back online can actually decrease the number of trips you receive. Drivers are not set in any particular order in Veyo’s dispatch system, only seen as offline and online. Switchin... Read More
Can I use a dashcam?
In order to preserve privacy and confidentiality in accordance with federal and state laws, and to ensure that all record maintenance requirements are followed, IDP drivers are expressly prohibited... Read More
Can I be running the Veyo app in the background while taking a personal call?
While online, please refrain from taking any personal phone calls, texting, or using other apps while waiting for a trip. While we know it's tempting, please do not actively drive for other ridesha... Read More
What is the preferred navigation app?
The preferred navigation app is Google Maps as it calculates the shortest and fastest route available at any given time. Google Maps calculates the route based on the time of day, traffic, weather,... Read More