After each trip, please check the area around the passenger’s seating area to ensure no belongings have been left behind.
If a passenger leaves something in your vehicle, please notify support or complete a fare review for the forgotten item(s). After you notify us about the item, please return the item to your closest Veyo office.
Veyo will hold any lost and found items for a period of 30 days from the time of drop off. We will tag each item with any pertinent information including member name, address, phone number, date of drop off, and any other special instructions. We will attempt to contact the passenger of the lost item 3 times during the course of a 30 day period. After that third attempt and after the 30th day, we will donate or dispose of the item properly.
Please Note: If for some reason there are narcotics or concealed weapons of any kind, we are required to contact the local authorities as deemed appropriate.