In order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), driver-providers are required to transport service animals along with the passenger. In situations where it is not obvious that the animal is a service animal, drivers may ask only two specific questions:
(1) Is the animal a required service animal due to a disability?
(2) What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?
State and federal law prohibits you from denying service - or otherwise discriminating against - passengers with service animals because they have a service animal. You are not allowed to inquire about the passenger’s disability, require medical documentation, or require a special identification card or training documentation for the animal. You also are not allowed to ask that the service animal demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.
Allergies (regardless of severity) and fear of animals are not valid reasons for refusing service to passengers with service animals. IDPs who engage in discriminatory conduct or refuse to transport a passenger with a service animal will lose their ability to use the Veyo Driver App.