After logging into the driver app, set your driver status to “Online” by tapping the "Go Online" button. This means you are ready to accept trip offers.
When you are set to "Online", you are expected to accept all trip offers that come in through the Veyo Driver App. Failing to respond to, skipping, or ignoring a trip offer can adversely affect our ability to transport members to their appointments. If you skip a trip request, your skip rate may be adversely affected. Multiple skips in a short period of time may result in limited or no access to trips coming through the Veyo system in the future.
If you are unable to take trips or you are done for the day, set your app status to “Offline”. The "Offline" button is at the bottom of the screen after you log in and go to the map. Please make sure you set your status to "Offline" any time you can't take a trip (if you're eating lunch, if you're having coffee with a friend, etc.)